Wholesaler and Distributor Only ! Toll Free: 905-364-4499 or 1888-879-1770 Email: info@gogomax.net
Brand: A+ Lab
Product Description:
Industrial Cleaning Dilute 1:20 for extremely heavy soils, and up to 1:40 for regular maintenance cleaning. Food Processing: Dilute 1:5 for grills, ovens, deep fat fryers, and smokehouse cleanup. Dilute 1:20 for vents, hoods, fans, stove components, and meat blocks. Spray or wipe cleaning solution on surface, allow sufficient time for chemical reaction to take place, but do not allow to dry, agitate if necessary, then rinse with potable water. Be sure to cover all food before.
Made in Canada.
Product Unit: Case
Package Specification: 4*4L/Case, 48/skid
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