Brand: A+ Lab
Product Description:
A+ Destainer is a chlorine-based food contact surface sanitizer. When used in proper
dilution at the right temperature this product sanitizes nonporous hard surfaces in food
areas and non-food contact surfaces effectively. A concentration of 50ppm to200 ppm is
recommended by Health Canada for no rinse sanitizing solution.
A+ Destainer not only removes spots on utensils but also removes pathogens
(foodborne bacteria, viruses and mold) efficiently and effectively.
Directions: For most economical results, dish washer should be dispensed with
automatic feeder. If this is not available, it may be added manually.
Product Unit: Case
Package Specification: 2*10L/Case
Dilution and dose: Adjust your equipment dosing system according to the
manufacturer’s recommendation OR create 100 ppm chlorine solution strength (mix ½
teaspoon (2.5 ml) Dish Wash Sanitizer into 1 Litre of water).
Precautions: Store the product out of the reach of children. Keep all the products in
original container. Do not mix product with other chemicals. NEVER reuse an empty
product container for another purpose. The label instructions and precautions for one
product may be dangerous to someone trying to use those instructions for a different
product. Store these products in a cool, dry place. Always consult MSDS for proper
storage and handling of the product.